The ECCM Conference 2022

Regina Palkovits
RWTH Aachen University

Marc Koper
Leiden University

Annemarie Manger
Tata Steel

Michael Kohl
Parallel Speakers
Parallel 1 – Demo Green H2
Parallel 2- Next gen echem – Process technology
Parallel 3 – Next gen echem – Chemistry
Parallel 4 – Manufacturing industry
Scope of the conference
The Advisory Committee for ElectroChemical Conversion & Materials, ECCM, advises the Dutch government on how to make the transition to a CO2-neutral industry based on generation, storage and conversion of renewable energy/electricity. The Committee promotes a cross-sectoral approach to achieve a CO2-neutral industry in the next few decades, and its advice spans the entire innovation chain (TRL 1-8).
In its recently updated advisory report, the ECCM National Agenda, the ECCM committee organises its recommendations along four action lines covering the entire innovation chain from technology development to system integration and implementation in society. During the ECCM Conference, state-of-the-art discoveries in science and technology will be shared by international speakers from academia and industry, following the action line – framework.
- When: Friday 24 June 2022.
- Where: The Hague Conference Centre, building New Babylon.
- Setup: a one-day conference with international keynote lectures from academia, industry and NGOs.
- Programme: Click here.
- Participation: Free*.
- Not yet on the ECCM mailing list? Please subscribe here.
Language: English.
*In case of no show and/or late cancellation you will be charged a cancellation fee.

Background information on the ECCM advisory committee
The Advisory Committee for Electrochemical Conversion & Materials (ECCM) advises the Dutch government to make the transition to a CO2 neutral industry based on intermittent sustainable energy generation, storage and conversion. The committee was established by the top sectors HTSM, Energy and Chemistry, with support from NWO and TNO and in collaboration with the Ministries of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy (EZK), the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) and the Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA).
ECCM is the cross-sectoral theme to achieve the above-mentioned transition objective. The committee coordinates efforts in the field of ECCM at national level, by initiating new cooperation initiatives and by adopting initiatives that fit within the scope of the advisory report that the committee has published. From a national perspective, the committee advises the government on what efforts are needed to collaborate throughout the innovation chain.
In addition, the committee is busy building an ECCM community of knowledge institutions, companies, governments and NGOs. To this end, the committee organizes conferences in the field of ECCM and an annual graduate school. More information:
Organising committee:
Prof. dr. Richard van de Sanden
Prof. dr. Earl Goetheer
Ton Peijnenburg
Prof. dr. Guido Mul
Dr. Ronald Wolf
Dr. Sofia Derossi
Jeanique Everts